
Hitech blocks are manufactured by using proportionate blend of cement, high quality fly ash and lime . These blocks are made lightweight by adding alumina powder to the slurry made of cement –fly ash-lime - this alumina powder reacts with the slurry/paste and releases hydrogen gas and thus creates millions of tiny air cells leading to a strong cellular structure . A cake formed with this process is further strengthened by high pressure steam curing in the autoclave. Stringent quality control is ensured throughout the process .

Brought to you by the promoters of Hindustan Concrete Blocks Pvt. Ltd. a new generation, well needed, revolutionary product.

Discovery of AAC Blocks

AAC was developed in 1924 by a Swedish architect  A J Ericsson, who was looking for an alternate building material with properties similar to that of wood – good thermal insulation, solid structure and easy to work with – but without the

Comparison Between Hitech Block, Concrete Block & Clay Brick

Why AAC Block

Hitech blocks are high quality building material that combines strength, ease of use, cost effectiveness and eco-friendliness to offer the most reliable alternative to traditional construction material. Hitech block is a steam cured mix of pulverized fly-ash, cement, lime and aeration agent. The high pressure steam curing in autoclaves achieves the desired physical and chemical stability that has had average density which is 1/5th of a normal concrete block and 1/4th of a clay brick. Hitech block consists of 80% air by volume making it the lightest available walling material.

Hightech Bricks v/s Clay Bricks